My word for 2018 is "Trust." I want to learn to allow myself to be imperfect, use my voice and trust the process. That everything works out in the end and has divine timing.
You may know that Lavender is a Swiss Army Knife when it comes to essential oils, it can do a lot, physically. However, there are emotional properties, too. Lavender has an aroma that emanates a calming and healing effect.
Lavender blends well with trusting the process in my life and it may assist you in your 2018 goals for a number of reasons, but most importantly to me it aids in emotional honesty, helping us be aware of our feelings and taking the time to experience them instead of masking them. We can go within ourselves to feel and see through our mind's eye, (metaphorically speaking) what it is we need to uncover order to move forward in a positive manner and trust ourself.
To fully embrace Lavender's affect add a few drops of this oil into a diffuser or rub a 'drop or two' into the palm of your hands (use the inhalation method, to send the smell straight to our brain's amygdala gland, where our cognitive emotions reside). Another way to get a deeper understanding of your innermost thoughts and desires would be to topically apply Lavender to the larynx and solar plexus; which is located directly above the belly button. You can typically use this oil across the brow, thyroid gland, back of hands, anywhere there is unease. .png)
Once you've inhaled and or applied the oil, try writing out your thoughts on paper. This is a great time to reflect on your day or anything that you may be struggling with.
Enjoy re-energizing yourself to trust the process and live your best life. Be unstoppable in this new year 2018 my luvs!oxo