
Spring Ahead, With Some Helpful Spring Time Essential Oils - Golden Drop

As an essential oil expert and holistic health coach, Sharon McDonald is often asked, this question, “What should I do in the springtime, what kind of oils will help support my body best?” 

During the winter season our body needs those warming oils, to keep the immune system up, and as we jump into the ‘spring’ our focus heads into a different direction. 

No worries, we can rise up and move forward, with some helpful tips. Find out how to deal with seasonal respiratory discomfort, ear discomfort, like swimmers ear and for women with the spring hormonal changes…there is help for that as well, and more. 

Click the play button to hear all the great tips and tricks; you don’t want to miss this.

Let us know if you still have any questions about Spring Time Oils or if you have a topic you'd love covered in a future Golden Drop call in the comments below! 

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