I was asked to speak once and I failed to really rise to the occasion to the very best of my ability. I was too caught up in being "perfect". I was not mature enough in my leadership to understand that I did know enough to instruct others on this topic and deliver the message with a plan for those in attendance to implement confidently.
This morning as I set my intention, then rose and began the day by serving my family, I read that Thomas S. Monson passed away early this morning.
Instead of racing on with my day I stopped to reflect on his life and the life I am living. His was always full of service and a love for all of humanity.
My thoughts turned to this assignment to speak, as odd as it was for me, I followed the prompting to understand why this was what I needed to ponder over this morning. As I read, listened, mediated, I now understand.
My gift of builds a bridge to the heart of every person I meet. This is the hallmark of my life and path that I've followed in our business.
I have lived this quote:
"Never fail to follow a Prompting" -Thomas S. Monson
Those promptings lead my life to know who I need to serve. Those promptings lead me to go and do things beyond my ability. Those promptings lead my heart to what is next. Those promptings are the materials used in the bridges built between me and those around me, for a higher cause.
Here is where I find a force greater than my own and the inspiration to lead the life I was called to live.
May we never fail to follow a prompting. I have come to find this spirit of inspiration is our soul answering a call. We simply need to let our eyes open to the heavens, stand tall, and go where we are led, trusting the process.

Where have you let your spirit guide you?