You are supported in whatever you decide to do. There is no wrong choice or wrong move. You can’t make a mistake.
Our experiences make us who we are and connect us to our soul if we let them. The saying "Forget the mistake remember the lesson" refers to the idea of letting the mistake go and move on, let every day be a new beginning.
Life is always in motion and we really are connected as human beings, as well as to the Earth that sustains us. Go for a walk and find the beauty that nature provides, soak in the sun and you will begin to feel!
The very essence of human nature is within us to be many things; connecting to our deeper selves is key to raising the vibe, all it takes is action on our part. Take action; reach out to Spirit and to those around you. Know you are loved and supported and use this knowledge to make you strong and unstoppable.
Today's affirmation:
"I am loved and supported in all ways, in all things. I cannot make a mistake.
This affirmation is the soul of Cedarwood, the essential oil today. This gorgeous assistant really taps into the connectedness of humanity, one that allows our souls to shine and our "humanness" to shed the lies of "perfection".
Truly, we are supported if we remember this life is about living. What are you going to do today to fill your cup? Share your thoughts by commenting below, I would love to hear if you've ever walked with nature and truly felt an uplifting moment surge through your soul.