
Cedarwood, The Healing Oil Of Community -Golden Drop

Learn about a personal health story, an amazing insect repellant tip & trick, and a 'walk in the woods' adventure story that will leave you wondering, how did she do it?

If you are a lover of nature and enjoy a great hike in the woods, but you find yourself stuck, dealing with the 'pain in the butt' bugs! Then stay tuned to find out what happened when a group of ladies went for a walk in the woods where 4 out of the 5 ended up with ticks on their bodies and one had none!

But first, some helpful healing tips about Cedarwood , from the book Essential Oils Of The Earth, a  user-friendly encyclopedia guide filled with valuable information on essential oils and their science, synergy & their history. As an alternative to modern medicine, it further explains various oil applications, and the important safety considerations.

This wonderful video has lots of tips and tricks on how to use this amazing oil, for a restful sleep, skin care, and hair care, enjoy. 

Let us know if you have any questions about cedarwood or if you have a topic you would love covered in a future Golden Drop call in the comments below!  

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